Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Another Sam's encounter

In the past month or so, every time I go to Sam's, I run into Ashley and the girls. Kinda funny really. Sunday's visit was no different.

As I was going down the middle aisle, heading towards the checkout, I hear "CC! CC!" Sure enough, Ash & Ed were there with the girls. Gabriela came running up to me, while Isabela & Maya were in the cart. I was greeted with big smiling faces and questions like "What are you doing here? What are you buying? When did you get here? Did you know I was going to be here? Can I go home with you?" I think you get the picture.

However, here's a little conversation I had with Gabriela:

G: "CC, I was looking down the store and I thought I saw you, but then I said to myself, no, that's not CC. Then I look up again and there you were again and I said to myself, yes, that is CC!"

CC: "Well, I'm glad that you saw me."
G: "CC, remember the last time we came to Sams we saw you then too?"
CC: "Yes, I remember"
G: "And you know what, CC? I'm pretty sure you were wearing the same outfit that day too!"
CC: laughingly...."Well you're probably right....aren't you lucky to have seen me wear this twice!?"

A little while later, we went our separate ways but ended up standing next to each other in line.

G: "CC, look at my new lipstick. I just bought it at Walmart."
CC: "Wow, that's really pretty. I was just at Walmart too!"
G: "What? You were at Walmart too? Whoa.... You know what, CC? I think we might be following you on accident!"

These are the types of accidents I don't mind having :)

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