Monday, April 06, 2009

Love Letter

I received the sweetest love letter last night. She was so proud to give it to me. She's been telling me that she had something for me for days. I could barely read it, from the tears in my eyes. Take a look and see for yourself. (You can double click on the letter to enlarge it).

WOW! I couldn't have been more touched, more impressed, more proud or more blessed than at that very moment. I just love love love you too, Gabriela!


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Such a bad CC :(

I can't believe how long it has been since I've posted to this blog. What a bad CC!

It has been hard to adjust to not having as much free time to spend with all the kids, like I used to. Don't get me wrong ~ I'm not complaining, but free time is few and far between. Plus, as the kids get older, their lives get busier and more complicated. When I do have some free time, it seems like they have something going on.

I was able to go to Gabriela's dance program a few weeks ago (I'll have to post those pics) with Maggie in tow. We had fun watching Gabriela show off all her moves. Maggie & I joined Gabriela out on the dance floor for one of her dances ~ man, am I out of shape...or could it be that I was holding a 27 pound toddler on my chest? Yep...that's it!

Recently, I've had a few conversations with Gabriela that made me laugh :)

CC: Gabriela, do you have a best friend in your class?
G: Yes, CC, I do. And you're not going to believe what her name is?
CC: What's her name?
G: She has a really great name. You're gonna love it! Her name is Courtney.
CC: Wow - that's a pretty cool name.
G: Yep! But CC, just so you know, that's not why she's my friend.

** gotta laugh!**

G: CC, I've been meaning to tell you something.
G: You can stop calling me Gabriela and start calling me Gaby. That's what all my friends call me.
CC: Well, I'm glad that I am your friend, GABY, but that will be the one and only time I call you that. You will always be Gabriela to me.
G: Ugh, that's what I thought. Oh was worth a try.

**Seriously?! ha!**

At Maggie's birthday party, all the kids were playing outside except for Isabela. She was playing in the playroom.

CC: Isabela, what are you doing?
I: Just thinkin'
CC: Thinkin' about what?
I: Thinkin' about what I want to do next.
CC: Oh ok....

**so serious and yet so funny!**