Saturday, May 05, 2007

The love of 3 little ones

I went over to see the girls last night, as I hadn't been able to spend much time with them lately ~ between us all being sick. I knocked on the door and suddenly 3 little faces were glaring at me through the beveled glass, trying to see who it might be. When all of a sudden the sounds of..."It's CC, it's CC!" Gabriela unlocked the door (she's can't open it up) and I walked in and found the 3 sweetest girls waiting for me with besos, smiles and of course, arms in my purse searching for gum. I guess I will forever be known as the "one with gum". They had just finished their baths and were starting to watch Turner & Hooch, the movie with Tom Hanks. I absolutely love that movie. It was so entertaining to watch it with the girls, as they provided me a play by play, moment by moment account of what was happening and going to happen. Even though I had seen this movie many times, it was fun to experience it with them all over again.

As I sat on the couch and watched Turner & Hooch with the girls, I was overwhelmed at how much these 3 little ones truly love me. I had Gabriela to my right, Isabela to my left and Maya on my lap. All three were snuggled up next to me, on me, touching me, hugging me, kissing me. At one point Maya turned around on my lap, faced me and said, "CC, miss you so much" and gave me the biggest hug. I told her that I had missed her too.

{A little background into the next story: I have always taken Gabriela with me to go shopping - always been our thing. Well the last time we went, Isabela was just devastated that I didn't take her with me. It's hard to do so because of the car seat situation. However, I did promise her that I would take her next and by herself, then Maya and then Gabriela could have another shopping trip with me. Gabriela was not too happy about it but finally agreed}

About an hour later, I told the girls that I needed to leave. Isabela said that she was going with me and the next thing we knew, she left the living room and came back with her shoes on and her purse in hand. She was ready for her shopping trip with CC. I told her that we couldn't go right now (it was 9pm). She quickly told me "CC, you said my turn next shopping. Me go with you." "Yes, you're right but it's too late. I promise to take you next time." which Gabriela said, "well, I can go with you too, right, CC?" I just looked at her and smiled but didn't say anything. I guess she understood the look because she responded...."I know, I's Isabela's turn. Well, can you at least bring me back some gum?" Ha - it never fails!

I really am so blessed to have those 3 little girls in my life....and no greater word has been shrieked before to me than "CC!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Courtney, how I understand how great everything is when watching it through the eyes of children even if it's a movie you have already seen. I use to get teary eyed watching my kids watch the Tomball parade. It would not bring tears to my eyes now unless my grandbabies were watching with me!!!!!