Sunday, July 06, 2008

Happy Birthday, Maya!

Dear Maya,

I can't believe that you are 4 years old today! Boy have you grown! Time has flown by and I have enjoyed each moment. It has been so fun to watch you grow, develop, and become the sweet little girl that you are today. You are soooo full of energy ~ no one would question that! You are a giggle box and it's contagious. I'm always laughing with you. You bring a smile to everyone you meet. You are loving and always giving me sweet kisses on cheek, hugging my neck and even throwing in an occasional "zerbert", which you find absolutely hilarious. You know that CC loves those!

You are growing into such a pretty little girl. That tilted smiling face is a killer :)I am so thankful to have been a part of all your firsts, your happy times, your frustrating times, your learning times and to see you become the little girl that you are.

Happy Birthday, Booger. I hope that you have a very special day. Always remember that CC & Uncle love you soooo much. I can't wait to make more memories with you this year.

Love you,

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