Saturday, January 13, 2007

January 13th...already!

I've been a little slack in the past month or so on postings...I really must do better. I know that I've now forgotten so many great stories to document...maybe I can recall some and come back to it.

But one quick story to share.

Gabriela, Isabela & Maya have all been sick with the past few weeks, as have me and Michael. Because of this, I realized the other day that I hadn't seen the girls ALL YEAR (yes, I know it's only the 13th day of the year, but still!). Anyway, I was finally able to go over and see the girls last night.

I was greeted with SCREAMS of CC! CC! CC!...instead of the're here again?! (oh but I know that they love me). They were all so happy to see me - and I of them.

Isabela was just chatting away - and I could understand most of what she was saying. I thought to myself - wow! alot can change in just 3 weeks when you're 2 1/2 years old.

Gabriela came up to me and here's how the conversation went:

G: "CC, how come you haven't been over here in soooooo long to see me?"
C: "Well, you and the girls have been sick. CC's been sick and so has Uncle."
G: "Oh...well...I would have just blown you a beso or given you a beso on the cheek. I didn't have to give you a beso on the mouth!" really was that a 4 year old anyway.

I promise to be better about sharing stories and pictures of all the little ones in my life this year! Stay tuned for more entertainment :)

~ CC

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hurray for more stories! I'm still laughing over, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit!" :)
Glad you all are feeling better,