Isabela and I had such a wonderful time together. We trekked off to IKEA (about 25 minute drive) and we talked the entire way there. It's amazing what a 3 year old can bring up in conversation ~ anything from her new school and teachers, to what she had for dinner last night, to singing her ABCs, to making animal sounds, to reciting each person's name in the family, to requesting music on the radio. It brought back memories of my car ride conversations with Gabriela a few years back.
"CC, can you put in Rassal Fatts?" (for those of you who don't know what she's referring's Rascal Flatts) and away we went to singing the songs together.
Isabela was just fascinated with IKEA. She wanted to sit in every room and try out every couch, chair, etc. She thought every room was just "sooooo pretty". She was quite the trooper; not one complaint. She stood by me the entire time, held my hand, looked and didn't touch and did all of that on her own, without being told. (what a concept!)
Isabela has such a sweet, tender heart. She is such a lover. I lost count of how many times she looked at me and said, "CC, I love you so much." And when I would tell her "I love you, too, Isabela." she would respond, "thank you."
Thank you, Isabela for loving CC so much and for spending the day with me. It'll be your turn again soon.